Artificial inflation is an economic burden on consumers, Time Today HD


Artificial inflation is an economic burden on consumers 

Layyah district, the prices of essential commodities have come down due to increase in prices of essential commodities. 

Unnecessary increase in the prices of flour, sugar, pulses, ghee, meat, and collection in excess of the rates fixed by the Price Control Committee has become commonplace.

In urban areas, price lists of fruits, vegetables, and meat are displayed only for show. It are busy, Vendors are selling fruits and vegetables from vegetable markets at prices fifty times higher. 

In contrast, ordinary peddlers sell fruits and vegetables to consumers at their doorsteps in the streets for a few rupees less.

But regular shopkeepers consider it not only a fashion but also their right to sell essential items at exorbitant prices as opposed to the government rate list. 

For these reasons, the lower middle class suffers severely. Because of rising inflation and unemployment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to feed our children twice a day. 

Claims and Guidelines of Punjab Government Why daily inspection of vegetable markets, fixing of prices in price control committees and monitoring of markets on daily basis is proving to be useless. 

If one looks at it, the order in which government instructions come and the price lists are made in the presence of consumer representatives on the basis of supply and demand. 

In the vegetable markets, the officers of the market committee add interest and issue a rate list, but in the end, why the process is not taking place? Contrary to the government's instructions, the staff responsible for resolving the common consumer's problem and providing essential items at fixed rates, relying only on fines through Ding Tapas policy, posting reports on photo sessions and dashboards with minor checks. 

But it is not uncommon to find items at fixed prices. 

For this, the elected public representatives and the district presidents of PTI, consumer committees and administrative officers will have to come out together, so that they can truly help the consumers and provide them with the cheap essentials from the market because storage is not limited to fertilizers. 

On the contrary, if the cold storage is checked, then fruits and vegetables are also being stored unnecessarily for handling and sold out at arbitrary prices and flour, ghee, sugar and pulses are being hidden in secret warehouses as a major source of income. 

It has become In which now not only shopkeepers but also ordinary people are earning lakhs of rupees by getting involved in this business. 

These few price control magistrates of the government cannot work to prevent this. For this, strict action plan has to be prepared and all the food items hidden in the warehouses have to be removed and brought to the market through crackdown. 

Then the consumer will be able to go somewhere and with the availability of essential items at fixed rates, the general consumer will also be satisfied with the government measures and the work of administrative officers.

Time Today HD.

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